caravan safety, caravan batteries, Caravan Lithium Battery Outech OffGrid Power Solutions caravan safety, caravan batteries, Caravan Lithium Battery Outech OffGrid Power Solutions

The Real Fire Risks

Caravan Lithium Batteries - The Real Risks: Installation and Usage

LiFePO4 - Lithium batteries are inherently safe, the risk of fire can arise from poor installation and incorrect practices. Some key factors that can lead to safety issues such as:

Incorrect Installation: No circuit protection, no fuse, cables incorrectly crimped,  chargers, inverter and battery incorrectly wired to one another;

Improper Wiring: Incorrectly sized or poorly connected wires can lead to overloading. It’s crucial to use the right gauge of wire and ensure all connections are secure, and adequate for the active load. 

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