Retreat Fraser Caravan
Full OffGrid Lithium Battery and Solar Power Set Up
Lithium Battery Caravan Power System, with solar panels and inverter.
📢The conversation went something like this..
“Hey Mate, our current camping power supply is a bloody pain in the proverbial.”
“Aha, let me guess. You’re running a generator?”
“Yeah, we go off grid for long periods fishing, so we need to run our 3 Engels.”
“Holy sh!t, that sounds like my type of fun.”
“Yep, but as I said getting enough power to run the fridges in a pain, we’re running portable batteries and solar panels as well as what we have in the caravan. I’m always stressing about running out of power.”
“Okay, too easy, we can build you an off grid power system for your fishing trips.”
“Oh, AND my ‘missus’ needs to use her hair dryer and hair straightener while we’re off grid too, plus… you know.. it gets hot so I want to run the air conditioner.”
“Aha….. SO, you’ll need an inverter, AC charger, DC charger, lithium batteries, solar panels, solar regulators, …… and we’ll need to wire it…… with cables….. blah, blah…..
“They said you know what you’re doing mate, so just make it work mate and show me how to use it.”
“Can do mate”
Here is the Outech OffGrid Power Upgrade built for good looking hair and the fish cold: 🎣
✅Enerdrive INVERTER ePOWER 2000W 12V wired to 240 volt circuits
✅Enerdrive BATTERY CHARGER 12V 40A DC2DC+ Battery Charger
✅Enerdrive AC BATTERY CHARGER ePOWER 12V 40A AC Battery Charger
✅Enerdrive LITHIUM BATTERIES - B-TEC 12V 400Ah LiFePO4
Enerdrive Lithium Battery 12 volt caravan power system upgrade designed and installed by Outech OffGrid Power Systems.
✅1250 Watts Roof Mounted SOLAR
✅Morningstar Tristar TS-60 Solar Regulator – to maximise solar input.
✅SIMARINE Pico 3 Monitoring System, with display for battery & load monitoring; (voltage, current, amp hours, battery capacity in %), temperature indications, Solar Current input, Load output .
Roof mounted caravan solar panels, installed by 12 volt and 240 volt caravan electrician specialist Outech OffGrid Power Solutions.
✅ Monitors and Control panels wired to overhead cupboard for ease of access.
✅Anderson plug at drawbar with connection to DCDC charger.
✅Integrated & hard wired 12V & 240V wiring & electrical components to customised control panel to incorporate the inverter display.
✅The 240 volt is integrated throughout the caravan, enabling all electrical appliances to be plugged in at ‘the wall’ while off the grid!
✅ Wiring of inverter into existing 240V circuit in van compliant with AS/NZS3000:2018 and AS/NZS3001:2012
Outech provide a thorough hand over, explaining the caravan power system and how to use caravan electrics, inverter and lithium battery reset.
Not sure where to start❓ Like Andrew did, give me a call to discuss your power needs, so I can build you an off grid power system to meet your specific needs.
Not sure where to start
🔏EC14408 | MRB9303 ✅Licensed Electrician | Qualified 12V & 240V Electrician